It is vital that a business is savvy with the purchasing of goods and services in order to maximise the profit it makes. Why buy a product from a company who charges you more than a competitor?
Do you know how much you are spending with your suppliers? Experience tell us that until the invoice or statement arrives, businesses very often are a little in the dark about their spending. Services provided by Jude Rose can take away this sometimes 'unknown' area of your business. We work with you and your suppliers to cut costs, to formalise a pricing structure and to put purchasing agreements in place thereby securing specific prices so you know you are paying the price that has been agreed. There is no reason why agreements cannot be in place for all your suppliers - imagine being able to budget more accurately than you have done before!
At Jude Rose, we call on our wealth of experience within NHS Procurement to ensure that you pay the correct and the most competitive price. We will work out exactly how much you spend with suppliers and if you would like to try a new supplier, we can liaise with them to send sample products so you can be sure you are making the right move for your business.
Our clients tell us this is a very useful element to our business because they do not always have time to analyse spend and negotiate prices.
Allow us to take away this sometimes stressful and time consuming duty so you can focus on other important areas within your business.